2024 High Point Motocross | Press Day RAW

2024 High Point Motocross | Press Day RAW

Il campionato Pro Motocross conclude la sua oscillazione di inizio estate questo fine settimana con l’High Point Motocross 2024, quarto degli undici round della serie. Una manciata di piloti ha avuto la possibilità di dare un’occhiata alla pista della Pennsylvania durante la sessione di guida mediatica di venerdì.

The Pro Motocross Championship concludes its early summer swing this weekend with the 2024 High Point Motocross, round four of eleven in the series. A handful of riders got a chance to check out the Pennsylvania track during Friday’s media riding session.

2024 High Point National First Look Feat. Sexton, Lawrence, Vialle & More


First Laps | 2024 High Point Motocross

2024 Pro Motocross enters Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania, for the fourth round of the series. High Point is the location of this weekend’s race, commonly known as the “Country Club of Motocross”. This week we have Jason Anderson, Chase Sexton, Jett and Hunter Lawrence, Chance Hymas, Levi Kitchen, and more on track for this preview.





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