AFYON (Turchia) 6 settembre 2024 – La trilogia finale del Campionato mondiale di motocross MXGP inizia questo fine settimana all’Afyon Motor Sports Center per il round 18, il primo di un’esperienza orientale di due settimane che inizia con l’ MXGP di Turchia!

La classe MXGP vede lo scontro tra due titani della Turchia, poiché gli unici due vincitori di questo circuito nella classe regina si sfideranno, con il quattro volte vincitore Jeffrey Herlings che cercherà di colmare il divario di punti con Tim Gajser, che ha una serie di due anni di vittorie consecutive ad Afyon che vorrebbe estendere per aggiudicarsi la sua 50a vittoria in carriera in un GP!

Anche il campione del mondo in carica Jorge Prado è in lizza per conservare il titolo e ha bisogno di questo GP per guadagnare terreno su Gajser!

Con risultati estremi potremmo vedere incoronato un Campione nel MX2 categoria, ma è ancora tutto da lottare tra i due compagni di squadra Kay de Wolf e Lucas Coenen, e come al solito ci sono molti contendenti per la vittoria del GP, tra cui il vincitore dell’anno scorso Liam Everts e il tedesco in forma Simon Laengenfelder!

Questo evento vedrà anche l’ultimo round del WMX Women’s Motocross World Championship, con il titolo da decidere tra la leader della serie olandese Lotte van Drunen e la pilota spagnola Daniela Guillen! Le gare WMX saranno coperte da CBS e TV3 in Spagna, come è stato per tutta la stagione!

L’emittente turca TRT Sport Yildiz trasmetterà l’intero weekend LIVE per tutto sabato e domenica. Controlla i nostri elenchi qui sotto per l’elenco completo dei canali TV che trasmetteranno l’azione LIVE e in differita dell’MXGP di Türkiye , così come il programma di 26 minuti Behind The Gate magazine con i momenti migliori delle gare, interviste esclusive e altro ancora. Tutto questo filmato sarà disponibile su e tramite i nostri partner di riviste TV dopo il Gran Premio.

Come sempre, i fan della MXGP possono seguire le gare LIVE per tutto il weekend. Tutto quello che devi fare è accedere a sabato e domenica, da qualsiasi parte del mondo ti trovi. Gli ultimi tre round di entrambi i Campionati promettono di regalarci un finale spettacolare e di arrivare fino in fondo! Non perderti neanche un giro di ruota!


AFYON (Türkiye) 6 September 2024 – The final trilogy of the MXGP World Motocross Championships begins this weekend at the Afyon Motor Sports Center for Round 18, the first of a two-week Eastern experience that starts with the MXGP of Türkiye!

The MXGP class sees the clash of two titans of Türkiye, as the only two winners at this circuit in the premier class go head-to-head, as four-time victor Jeffrey Herlings tries to close the points gap to the Tim Gajser, who has a two-year winning streak at Afyon that he would like to extend to clinch his 50th career GP victory!

Reigning World Champion Jorge Prado is also right in the hunt to retain his title and needs this GP to gain on Gajser himself!

With extreme results we could see a Champion crowned in the MX2 class, but it is still all to fight for between the duelling teammates Kay de Wolf and Lucas Coenen, and as usual there are a host of contenders for the GP win, including last year’s winner Liam Everts and in-form German Simon Laengenfelder!

This event will also see the final round of the WMX Women’s Motocross World Championship, with the title to be decided between Dutch series leader Lotte van Drunen and Spanish flyer Daniela Guillen!  The WMX races will be covered by CBS and TV3 in Spain as they have been all season long!

Turkish broadcaster TRT Sport Yildiz will cover the full weekend LIVE throughout Saturday and Sunday.  Check our listings below for the full list of TV channels that will air LIVE and delayed action of the MXGP of Türkiye, as well as the 26-minute Behind The Gate magazine show featuring the best moments from the races, exclusive interviews and more.  All of this footage will be available on and via our TV magazine partners following the Grand Prix.

As always, MXGP fans can follow the races LIVE throughout the weekend. All you need to do is log onto Saturday and Sunday, from wherever you are in the world.  The final three rounds of both Championships promise to bring us a spectacular finish and go to the wire! Don’t miss a wheel turn!



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 18:30 – CET Delayed

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 19:30 – CET Delayed


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


CBS Sports Network

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 14:00 ET – Delayed

Sunday September 8 th 2024 – MXGP Race 2 – 15:00 ET – Delayed

Sunday September 8 th 2024 – WMX Race 2 – 16:00 ET – Delayed


Direct TV

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – Finnish timing – LIVE



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 14:00 CET Delayed

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE Streaming


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


TV3 Sport Open

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sport TV1

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


TV Galicia

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Saturday September 7 th 2024  – WMX Race 1 – 14:50 Local time – LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – WMX Race 2 – 09:35 Local time LIVE



Saturday September 7 th 2024  – WMX Race 1 – 14:50 Local time – LIVE

Saturday September 7 th 2024  – EMX 250 Race 1 – 15:40 – Local time LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – WMX Race 2 – 09:35 Local time LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – EMX 250 Race 2 – 11:25 – Local time LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

INDIA and Subcontinent (Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives)

VIACOM  – Jio Cinema

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 15:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 16:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 17:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 19:30 IST – Streaming


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 12:00 CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 13:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 15:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday September 8 th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday September 8 th – MX2 Race 1 – 20:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday September 8 th – MXGP Race 1 – 22:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday September 8 th – MX2 Race 2 – 23:00  AEST – LIVE

Sunday September 8 th – MXGP Race 2 – 00:00 AEST – LIVE

MXGP of Turkiye LIVE MXGP-TV.COM Timetable 


Local Time/ GMT+3

  Start Finish Start Finish
Studio Show 11.00 11:.30 12.00 12.30
WMX Race 1 13.50 14:35 14.50 15:35
EMX250 Race 1 14:40 15:20 15:40 16:20
MX2 RAM Qualifying 15:25 16:05 16:25 17:05
MXGP RAM Qualifying 16:15 17:00 17:15 18:00
WMX Race 2 08:35 09:35 09:35 10:35
EMX250 Race 2 10:25 11:25 11:25 12:25
MX2 Race 1 12:00 13:00 13:00 14:00
MXGP Race 1 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00
MX2 race 2 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00
MXGP Race 2 16:00 17:00 17:00 18:00



SATURDAY: 9:30 WMX Free practice, 10:00 EMX250 Free practice, 10:30 MX2 Free practice, 11:00 MXGP Free practice, 12:30 WMX Qualifying practice, 13:05 EMX250 Qualifying Practice, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 WMX Race 1, 15:45 EMX250 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.

SUNDAY: 09:45 WMX Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 EMX250 Race 2, 13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.





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