FRAUENFELD (Svizzera) 24 agosto 2024 – L’esercito sempre entusiasta di tifosi svizzeri in rosso e bianco scenderà sul circuito Schweizer Zucker di Frauenfeld per l’ MXGP della Svizzera questo fine settimana, mentre il round 17 segna la conclusione dell’ultima tripla sfida del Campionato mondiale MXGP 2024!

Si avvicina la vetta della MXGP, con appena nove punti tra il leader Tim Gajser e il campione in carica Jorge Prado, dato che entrambi dichiarano che le ultime quattro sedi dell’anno si adattano tutte al loro stile! Tuttavia, Jeffrey Herlings è l’unico vincitore per due volte in questo circuito e cercherà di continuare la sua caccia, dato che si trova a soli 35 punti dal leader!

L’eroe locale Jeremy Seewer inizierà il suo 200 ° Gran Premio in carriera, e sono 200 di fila, dato che l’eroe svizzero non ha mai saltato un round, di fronte ai suoi accesi sostenitori locali che assorderanno i piloti se il loro uomo finirà in testa! Forse potrà essere ispirato a rivendicare la sua prima vittoria in un GP dell’anno, e la sua prima a Frauenfeld dopo due secondi posti negli ultimi anni!

La classe MX2 potrebbe essere apertissima, con gli amanti del terreno duro che si sfregano le mani all’idea delle praterie svizzere, ma Kay de Wolf e Lucas Coenen hanno ancora il campionato a portata di mano e non daranno tregua a nessuno, soprattutto a se stessi, mentre la serie entra nel vivo!

La TV svizzera sarà presente a Frauenfeld con un commento in diretta, trasmettendo le due gare MXGP di domenica su SRF Live.

Controlla i nostri elenchi qui sotto per l’elenco completo dei canali TV che trasmetteranno l’azione LIVE e in differita dell’MXGP of Switzerland , così come il programma di 26 minuti Behind The Gate magazine con i momenti migliori delle gare, interviste esclusive e altro ancora. Tutto questo filmato sarà disponibile su e tramite i nostri partner TV magazine dopo il Gran Premio.

GP of SWITZERLAND 2024 – Qualifying – Time Practice!

FRAUENFELD (Switzerland) 24 August 2024 – The always enthusiastic army of Swiss fans in red and white will descend on the Schweizer Zucker circuit of Frauenfeld for the MXGP of Switzerland this weekend, as round 17 draws the last triple-header of the 2024 MXGP World Championships to a close!

It is getting close at the top of MXGP, with just nine points between points leader Tim Gajser and reigning Champion Jorge Prado, as both men declare that the final four venues of the year all suit their styles! However, Jeffrey Herlings is the only two-time winner at this circuit and will be aiming to continue his chase as he lies only 35 points back from the leader!

Local hero Jeremy Seewer will start his 200th career Grand Prix – and that is 200 in a row as the Swiss hero has never missed a round – in front of his vocal local supporters who will deafen the riders if their man hits the front! Maybe he can be inspired to claim his first GP win of the year, and his first at Frauenfeld after two runner-up finishes in recent years!

The MX2 class could be wide open as the hard-pack lovers rub their hands at the prospect of the Swiss grasslands, but Kay de Wolf and Lucas Coenen still have a Championship within their grasp and will give no quarter to anyone, especially not each other, as the series gets to the sharp end!

Swiss TV will be onsite at Frauenfeld with Live commentary, broadcasting Sunday’s two MXGP races on SRF Live.

Check our listings below for the full list of TV channels that will air LIVE and delayed action of the MXGP of Switzerland, as well as the 26-minute Behind The Gate magazine show featuring the best moments from the races, exclusive interviews and more.  All of this footage will be available on and via our TV magazine partners following the Grand Prix.



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


CBS Sports Network

Sunday August 25 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 10:00 ET – LIVE

Sunday August 25 th 2024 – MXGP Race 2 – 11:00 ET – LIVE


Direct TV

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 – Finnish timing – LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 15:00 CET Delayed

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE. Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE Streaming


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


TV3 Sport Open

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sport TV1

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


TV Galicia

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 16:00 – CET Delayed

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 19:00 – CET Delayed



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE Streaming


Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE

INDIA and Subcontinent (Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives)

VIACOM  – Jio Cinema

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 16:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 17:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 19:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 20:30 IST – Streaming



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 21:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 22:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday August 25th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:00  AEST – LIVE

Monday August 26th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:00 AEST – LIVE


MXGP of Switzerland Presented by iXS LIVE MXGP-TV.COM Timetable 

  Start Finish
Studio Show 12.00 12.30
MXE Race 1 13.10 13.30
EMX125 Race 1 14.55 15:35
EMX250 Race 1 15:40 16:20
MX2 RAM Qualifying 16:25 17:05
MXGP RAM Qualifying 17:15 18:00
EMX125 Race 2 09:40 10:40
EMX250 Race 2 11:25 12:15
MXE Race 2 12.15 12.40
MX2 Race 1 13:00 14:00
MXGP Race 1 14:00 15:00
MX2 race 2 16:00 17:00
MXGP Race 2 17:00 18:00


SATURDAY: 7:30 EMX125 Group 1 Free practice, 8:00 EMX125 Group 2 Free practice, 08:30 MXe Free practice, 8:50 EMX250 Free practice, 09:20 EMX125 Group 1 Qualifying practice, 09:55 EMX125 Group 2 Qualifying Practice, 10:30 MX2 Free Practice, 11:00 MXGP OAT Free Practice, 11:45 EMX250 Qualifying practice, 12:20 MXGP Wildcard Free/Qualifying practice, 13:20 MXe Race 1, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 EMX125 Race 1, 15:45 EMX250 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.

SUNDAY: 09:45 EMX125 Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 EMX250 Race 2, 12:20 MXe Race 2, 13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.





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