ARHNEM (Paesi Bassi) 17 agosto 2024 – Il Campionato mondiale di motocross FIM 2024 inizia l’ultimo quarto di stagione mentre la folla appassionata di Arnhem accoglie l’ MXGP dei Paesi Bassi questo fine settimana!

Un altro circuito sabbioso metterà alla prova i piloti e gli spettatori in un imprevedibile weekend di gare, che vedrà il ritorno di un pilota iconico al debutto per un marchio iconico!

Tim Gajser detiene la tabella rossa del leader di punti nel campionato mondiale MXGP, ma il suo principale inseguitore, il campione del mondo in carica Jorge Prado, è reduce da una straordinaria vittoria in Svezia e sta cercando di dare la caccia allo sloveno! Tuttavia, il rumore più grande in MXGP sarà fatto per Jeffrey Herlings, poiché l’eroe di casa indiscusso cercherà di vincere per la 15a volta sulla sabbia di casa!

Due dei nomi più sorprendenti nell’elenco degli iscritti compaiono sulla stessa linea: il nove volte campione del mondo Antonio Cairoli torna in azione in MXGP per portare la nuova moto Ducati Desmo450 MX sulla linea di partenza! Sì, uno dei marchi più iconici del motorsport arriverà per la prima volta in MXGP questo fine settimana! Non potete perdervelo!

La MX2 accenderà ulteriormente l’atmosfera per i fan locali, dato che la loro adolescente rivelazione Kay de Wolf ha guidato la serie per tutta la stagione e cercherà di fare una tripletta di vittorie nel GP sulla sabbia questa stagione! Il compagno di squadra Lucas Coenen non ha rinunciato all’inseguimento, tuttavia, ed è determinato a mostrare la sua velocità nella roba morbida! Anche il vincitore dell’anno scorso Liam Everts sarà nella mischia!

L’ MXGP dei Paesi Bassi sarà seguito dall’emittente nazionale olandese NOS con commento in diretta in loco. Il WMX Women’s World Motocross Championships godrà di un’ottima copertura da parte di CBS negli USA, NOS nei Paesi Bassi e TV3 in Spagna.

Controlla i nostri elenchi qui sotto per l’elenco completo dei canali TV che trasmetteranno l’azione LIVE e in differita dell’MXGP dei Paesi Bassi , così come il programma di 26 minuti Behind The Gate magazine con i momenti migliori delle gare, interviste esclusive e altro ancora. Tutto questo filmato sarà disponibile su MXGP-TV.com e tramite i nostri partner TV magazine dopo il Gran Premio.

Come sempre, i fan della MXGP possono seguire le gare LIVE per tutto il weekend. Tutto quello che devi fare è accedere a www.MXGP-TV.com sabato e domenica, da qualsiasi parte del mondo ti trovi. Questo GP presenta i campioni del mondo MXGP di ciascuno degli ultimi 15 anni! È uno storico weekend di azione di Motocross che semplicemente non devi perderti! Vieni e unisciti a noi!


ARHNEM (The Netherlands) 17 August 2024 – The 2024 FIM World Motocross Championships starts its final quarter of the season as the passionate crowds at Arnhem greet the MXGP of The Netherlands this weekend!

Another sandy circuit will give the riders another tough challenge and the spectators an unpredictable weekend of racing, and this weekend features an iconic rider returning to debut for an iconic brand!

Tim Gajser holds the points leader’s red plate in the MXGP World Championship, but his main chaser, reigning World Champion Jorge Prado, is fresh from a stunning victory in Sweden and trying to hunt down the Slovenian! The most noise in MXGP will be made for Jeffrey Herlings, however, as the undisputed home hero will aim to win for the 15th time on home sand!

Two of the most striking names on the entry list appear on the same line – nine-time World Champ Antonio Cairoli makes his return to MXGP action in order to bring the new Ducati Desmo450 MX machine to the start line! Yes, one of the most iconic brands in motorsport is coming to MXGP for the first time this weekend!  That cannot be missed!

MX2 will fire up the atmosphere still further for the local fans, as their teenage sensation Kay de Wolf has led the series for the whole season, and will be looking to make it a hat-trick of sand GP wins this season! Teammate Lucas Coenen has not given up the chase, however, and is determined to show his speed in the soft stuff! Last year’s winner Liam Everts will also be right in the mix!

The MXGP of The Netherlands will be joined by the national Dutch broadcaster NOS with live commentary onsite.  The WMX Women’s World Motocross Championships will enjoy great coverage from CBS in the USA, NOS in The Netherlands, and TV3 in Spain.

Check our listings below for the full list of TV channels that will air LIVE and delayed action of the MXGP of The Netherlands, as well as the 26-minute Behind The Gate magazine show featuring the best moments from the races, exclusive interviews and more.  All of this footage will be available on MXGP-TV.com and via our TV magazine partners following the Grand Prix.

As always, MXGP fans can follow the races LIVE throughout the weekend. All you need to do is log onto www.MXGP-TV.com Saturday and Sunday, from wherever you are in the world.  This GP features the MXGP World Champions from each of the last 15 years! It’s a historic weekend of Motocross action that simply must not be missed! Come and join us!



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


CBS Sports Network

Sunday August 18 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 10:00 ET – LIVE

Sunday August 18 th 2024 – MXGP Race 2 – 11:00 ET – LIVE

Sunday August 18 th 2024 – WMX Race 2 – 15:00 ET – Delayed


Direct TV

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 – Finnish timing – LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 15:00 CET Delayed

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE. Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE Streaming


Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


TV3 Sport Open

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18 th 2024 – WMX Race 2 – 11:20 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE Streaming


Sport TV1

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


TV Galicia

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Saturday August 17th 2024 – WMX Race 1 – 14:50 CET – LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024 – WMX Race 2 – 11:20 CET – LIVE


Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand


Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE

INDIA and Subcontinent (Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives)

VIACOM  – Jio Cinema

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 16:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 17:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 19:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 20:30 IST – Streaming



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE


Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00 – CET LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 – CET LIVE



Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 21:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 22:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday August 18th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:00  AEST – LIVE

Monday August 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:00 AEST – LIVE

MXGP of The Netherlands LIVE – MXGP-TV.COM Timetable 

  Start Finish
Studio Show 12.00 12.30
EMX125 Race 1 15.00 15:35
WMX Race 1 15:45 16:20
MX2 RAM Qualifying 16:25 17:05
MXGP RAM Qualifying 17:15 18:00
EMX125 Race 2 09:40 10:40
WMX Race 2 11:50 12:50
MX2 Race 1 13:00 14:00
MXGP Race 1 14:00 15:00
MX2 race 2 16:00 17:00
MXGP Race 2 17:00 18:00



SATURDAY: 07:50 EMX125 Group 1 Free practice, 08:20 EMX125 Group 1 Free practice,  8:50 WMX Free practice, 09:20 EMX125 Group 1 Qualifying practice, 09:55 EMX125 Group 2 Qualifying Practice, 10:30 MX2 Free Practice, 11:00 MXGP Free Practice, 12:10 WMX Qualifying practice, 12:45 MXGP WildCard Free/Qualifying Practice, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 WMX Race 1, 15:45 EMX125 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.

SUNDAY: 09:45 EMX125 Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 WMX Race 2, 13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.





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