Stopwatch National at Glen Helen – Pro Motocross Prep

Stopwatch National at Glen Helen – Pro Motocross Prep

Glen Helen Raceway ha ospitato l’inaugurale “Stopwatch National” in cui i piloti professionisti possono schierarsi e simulare due manche da 30 minuti per prepararsi al campionato Pro Motocross che inizierà tra poco più di una settimana al Fox Raceway. Per rendere le cose interessanti, hanno offerto una borsa Pro da $ 10.000 per l’evento per invogliare i piloti professionisti della zona a presentarsi e a girare l’acceleratore. Guarda artisti del calibro di Pierce Brown, Ryder DiFrancesco, Broc Tickle, Julien Beaumer e altri sfrecciare sulle colline del Glen Helen Raceway.

Video di Simon Cudby

Glen Helen Raceway hosted the inaugural “Stopwatch National” where professional racers can line up and simulate two 30-minute motos to get some prep for the Pro Motocross Championship which begins in just over a week’s time at Fox Raceway. To make things interesting they offered up a $10,000 Pro Purse for the event to entice the pro riders in the area to show up and twist their throttles. See the likes of Pierce Brown, Ryder DiFrancesco, Broc Tickle, Julien Beaumer, and more take to the hills of Glen Helen Raceway.
Video by Simon Cudby

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