ST. JEAN D’ANGELY (Francia) 16 maggio 2024 – Per il terzo fine settimana consecutivo il Campionato del mondo di motocross MXGP promette vere emozioni, questa volta dall’iconico luogo di St. Jean d’Angely verso la costa atlantica, di fronte ad un pubblico appassionato e fan patriottici che rendono il Monster Energy MXGP di Francia qualcosa di speciale da vedere!

I tifosi locali che senza dubbio creeranno un’atmosfera incredibile hanno i loro favoriti che probabilmente si sfideranno davanti a ogni classe presente questo fine settimana! Soprattutto vorranno vedere il loro talismano della vittoria dello scorso anno al Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations, il pilota del Kawasaki Racing Team Romain Febvre, emergere come vincitore nella sua ricerca per un tanto atteso secondo titolo mondiale. Ha vinto il premio assoluto su questo circuito otto anni fa, ma anche i suoi concorrenti principali non sono estranei allo champagne di questa regione! Jorge Prado ha ripreso la tabella rossa per salire sulla sua Red Bull GASGAS Factory Racing , ma Tim Gajser del Team HRC ha portato a casa il trofeo del vincitore dagli ultimi due eventi qui, e ha bisogno di qualcosa di simile per catturare di nuovo Prado!

Il Campionato del mondo MX2 ha visto alcune gare brillanti in questa stagione, con l’adolescente olandese Kay de Wolf in testa alla serie per Nestaan ​​Husqvarna Factory Racing, ma l’eroe di casa in questa classe è il vincitore del round francese dello scorso anno, Thibault Benistant, e se riuscirà a vincere di nuovo vicino alla parte anteriore per Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MX2, potresti sentire il rumore della folla in tutto il pianeta! Tuttavia, nulla è garantito, poiché questa classe è piena di potenziali contendenti!

Per i pochi fan francesi che non potranno recarsi in pellegrinaggio a St. Jean d’Angely, ci sarà una grande copertura televisiva di cui godere, dato che il canale nativo Automoto TV la Chaine sarà sul posto per coprire tutte e quattro le gare del GP LIVE domenica, con la loro troupe per dare una copertura globale per tutto il fine settimana. Il canale Sport TNT, La Chaine l’Equipe trasmetterà entrambe le gare MXGP, ed Eurosport coprirà anche tutte e quattro le gare, con MXGP anche in DIRETTA!

Come sempre, i fan della MXGP potranno seguire le gare LIVE per tutto il fine settimana. Tutto quello che devi fare è accedere a sabato e domenica, da qualsiasi parte del mondo. Vieni e unisciti a noi per quella che si sta rivelando una fantastica stagione MXGP 2024!


ST. JEAN D’ANGELY (France) 16 May 2024 – For the third consecutive weekend the MXGP Motocross World Championship promises some real excitement, this time from the iconic venue of St. Jean d’Angely towards the Atlantic coast, in front of the passionate and patriotic fans that make the Monster Energy MXGP of France something special to behold!

The local supporters who will no doubt generate an incredible atmosphere have their own favourites likely to challenge at the front of each and every class present this weekend! Most of all they will want to see their talisman from last year’s victory at the Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations, Kawasaki Racing Team rider Romain Febvre, emerge as the winner in his quest for a long-awaited second world title. He took the overall honours at this circuit eight years ago, but his main competition are also no strangers to this region’s champagne! Jorge Prado has re-taken the red plate to bolt onto his Red Bull GASGAS Factory Racing machine, but Team HRC’s Tim Gajser has taken the winner’s trophy home from the last two events here, and he needs more like that to catch Prado again!

The MX2 World Championship has seen some brilliant racing this season, with Dutch teenager Kay de Wolf leading the series for Nestaan Husqvarna Factory Racing, but the home hero in this class is the winner of last year’s French round, Thibault Benistant, and if he gets near the front again for Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MX2 then you might hear the crowd noise all across the planet! Nothing is guaranteed however, as this class is full of potential contenders!

For the few French fans that cannot make the pilgrimage to St. Jean d’Angely, there will be big TV coverage to enjoy, as native channel Automoto TV la Chaine will be onsite to cover all four GP races LIVE on Sunday, with their crew here to give global coverage throughout the weekend.  Sport TNT channel, La Chaine l’Equipe will broadcast both MXGP races, and Eurosport will also cover all four races, with MXGP going out LIVE as well!  

Below you can find a list of TV channels that will air LIVE and delayed action of the Monster Energy MXGP of France, as well as the 26-minute Behind The Gate magazine show featuring the best moments from the races, exclusive interviews and more.  All of this footage will be available on and via our TV magazine partners following the Grand Prix.

As always, MXGP fans can follow the races LIVE throughout the weekend. All you need to do is log onto Saturday and Sunday, from wherever you are in the world.  Come and join us for what is turning out to be an amazing 2024 MXGP season!



Monday May 20th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:50  CET – Delayed

Monday May 20th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:50 CET – Delayed


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE Stream

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE Stream


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 22:45 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 23:30 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 22:45 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 23:30 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 10th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:10 CET – Delayed


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 22:45 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 23:30 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



CBS Sports Network

Sunday May 19 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 10:00 ET – LIVE

Sunday May 19 th 2024 – MXGP Race 2 – 11:00 ET – LIVE


Direct TV 

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 – Finnish timing – LIVE 


TV3 Sport Open

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 CET – LIVE`

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE Stream

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE Stream


Sport TV1

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


TV Galicia

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 22:45 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 23:30 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE

INDIA and Subcontinent (Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives)

VIACOM  – Jio Cinema

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 17:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 18:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 20:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 21:30 IST – Streaming



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 21:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 22:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday May 19th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:00  AEST – LIVE

Monday May 20th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:00 AEST – LIVE

Monster Energy MXGP of France LIVE MXGP-TV.COM Timetable 

  Local Time/CEST
  Start Finish
Studio Show 12.00 12.30
EMX125 Race 1 14.55 15:35
EMX250 Race 1 15:40 16:20
MX2 RAM Qualifying 16:25 17:05
MXGP RAM Qualifying 17:15 17:55
EMX125 Race 2 09:10 10:00
EMX250 Race 2 11:25 12:15
MX2 Race 1 13:00 14:00
MXGP Race 1 14:00 15:00
MX2 race 2 16:00 17:00
MXGP Race 2 17:00 18:00


SATURDAY: 08:00  EMX125 Free practice Group 1, 08:30 EMX125 Free practice Group 2, 09:00 MXE Time Practice, 09:20 EMX250 Free practice, 09:50 EMX125 Qualifying practice Group 1, 10:30 MX2 Time Practice, 11:00 MXGP Free Practice, 11:55 12:00 MXE Race 1, 12:20 EMX125 Qualifying practice Group 2, 13:00 EMX250 Qualifying practice, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 EMX125 Race 1, 15:45 EMX250 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.

SUNDAY: 09:15 EMX125 Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 EMX250 Race 2, 12:20 MXE Race 2,  13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.





Torna in alto