LUGO (Galizia, Spagna) maggio 2024 – Nel secondo di tre fine settimana consecutivi di incredibile azione, il Campionato mondiale di motocross MXGP arriva da una sede nuova di zecca nel nord-ovest della Spagna, la città natale di una delle stelle più brillanti della serie, vicino alla città di Lugo per l’ MXGP della Galizia!

L’ultima volta che siamo stati in terra spagnola, il campione del mondo MXGP in carica Jorge Prado ha vissuto un fine settimana perfetto di puro dominio per la Red Bull GASGAS Factory Racing e sarà felice niente di ripetere quell’evento, quando ha vinto tutte e tre le gare a intu Xanadu Arroyomolinos a marzo e non ha mai visto un concorrente davanti a sé!

Da allora, Tim Gajser del Team HRC ha preso il comando del Campionato del mondo MXGP , mentre Romain Febvre per il Kawasaki Racing Team e il talismano della Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Jeffrey Herlings hanno tutti approfittato del fango in Portogallo per promuovere le loro cause. Lo sloveno ha solo 12 punti di vantaggio sullo spagnolo in vista del Circuito Municipal Jorge Prado. Sì, la pista prende addirittura il nome dal campione e i tifosi della sua città natale renderanno sicuramente rovente l’atmosfera a Lugo!

Il Campionato del mondo MX2 è guidato dalla stella olandese adolescente Kay de Wolf per Nestaan ​​Husqvarna Fartory Racing, ma Liam Everts è salito al 3° posto in classifica per la Red Bull KTM Factory Racing con il suo weekend perfetto in Portogallo e cercherà di continuare il suo slancio verso l’alto! Anche i cacciatori di titoli e gli amanti del duro Thibault Benistant e il campione in carica Andrea Adamo apprezzeranno l’opportunità di rimanere intrappolati in un po’ di suolo spagnolo!

La stazione locale TV Galicia , che trasmette la serie tutto l’anno, sarà DAL VIVO e sul posto per seguire i loro eroi locali, e i nostri partner televisivi regolari in tutto il mondo continueranno la loro eccezionale copertura dell’incredibile azione di questa serie.

Di seguito puoi trovare un elenco dei canali TV che andranno in onda LIVE e l’azione differita dell’MXGP della Galizia, nonché lo spettacolo della rivista Behind The Gate di 26 minuti con i migliori momenti delle gare, interviste esclusive e altro ancora. Tutti questi filmati saranno disponibili su e tramite i nostri partner di riviste televisive dopo il Gran Premio.

Come sempre, i fan della MXGP potranno seguire le gare LIVE per tutto il fine settimana. Tutto quello che devi fare è accedere a sabato e domenica, da qualsiasi parte del mondo. Vieni e unisciti a noi per quello che si prepara a essere un incredibile 2024!


LUGO (Galicia, Spain) 9 May 2024 – In the second of three straight weekends of incredible action, the MXGP Motocross World Championship comes to you from a brand-new venue in north-western Spain, the home town of one of the brightest stars in the series, near the city of Lugo for the MXGP of Galicia!

The last time we were on Spanish soil, reigning MXGP World Champion Jorge Prado enjoyed a perfect weekend of pure domination for Red Bull GASGAS Factory Racing and he will be happy with nothing less than a repeat of that event, when he won all three races at intu Xanadu Arroyomolinos in March and never saw a competitor ahead of him!   

Since then, Team HRC’s Tim Gajser has taken over the lead of the MXGP World Championshipwhile Romain Febvre for Kawasaki Racing Team and Red Bull KTM Factory Racing talisman Jeffrey Herlings all took advantage of the mud in Portugal to further their causes. The Slovenian sits just 12 points ahead of the Spaniard heading to the Circuito Municipal Jorge Prado. Yes, the track is even named after the Champ and his home town fans will surely make the atmosphere red hot at Lugo!

The MX2 World Championship is being led by teenage Dutch star Kay de Wolf for Nestaan Husqvarna Fartory Racing, but Liam Everts has charged up to 3rd in the standings for Red Bull KTM Factory Racing with his perfect weekend in Portugal and will be looking to continue his surge towards the top! Title chasers and hard-pack lovers Thibault Benistant and reigning Champion Andrea Adamo will also be relishing the chance to get stuck into some Spanish soil!

Local station TV Galicia, who is broadcasting the series all year, will be LIVE and onsite to follow their local heroes, and our regular television partners worldwide will continue their outstanding coverage of the incredible action from this series.

Below you can find a list of TV channels that will air LIVE and delayed action of the MXGP of Galicia, as well as the 26-minute Behind The Gate magazine show featuring the best moments from the races, exclusive interviews and more.  All of this footage will be available on and via our TV magazine partners following the Grand Prix.

As always, MXGP fans can follow the races LIVE throughout the weekend. All you need to do is log onto Saturday and Sunday, from wherever you are in the world.  Come and join us for what is building up to be an incredible 2024!



Monday May 13th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:50  CET – Delayed

Monday May 13th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:50 CET – Delayed


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE Stream

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE Stream


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



CBS Sports Network

Sunday May 12 th 2024  – WMX Race 2 – 20:00 ET – Delayed

Sunday May 12 th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 21:00 ET – Delayed

Sunday May 12 th 2024 – MXGP Race 2 – 22:00 ET – Delayed


Direct TV 

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 – Finnish timing – LIVE 



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 16:20 CET – Delayed

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:10 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1&2– 18:00  CET – Delayed


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


TV3 Sport Open

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 18:00 CET – LIVE`

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE Stream

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE Stream


Sport TV1

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


TV Galicia

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE

INDIA and Subcontinent (Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives)

VIACOM  – Jio Cinema

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 17:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 18:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 20:30 IST – Streaming

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 21:30 IST – Streaming



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE


Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 13:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 14:00 CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 16:00  CET – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 17:00 CET – LIVE



Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 1 – 21:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MXGP Race 1 – 22:00 AEST – LIVE

Sunday May 12th 2024  – MX2 Race 2 – 00:00  AEST – LIVE

Monday May 13th 2024  – MXGP Race 2 – 01:00 AEST – LIVE

MXGP of Galicia LIVE MXGP-TV.COM Timetable 

  Local Time/CEST
  Start Finish
Studio Show 12.00 12.30
WMX Race 1 14.50 15:35
EMX125 Race 1 15:40 16:20
MX2 RAM Qualifying 16:25 17:10
MXGP RAM Qualifying 17:15 17:50
EMX125 Race 2 09:35 10:30
WMX Race 2 11:20 12:00
MX2 Race 1 13:00 14:00
MXGP Race 1 14:00 15:00
MX2 race 2 16:00 17:00
MXGP Race 2 17:00 18:00


SATURDAY: 08:20 WMX Free practice, 08:50 EMX125 Free practice Group 1, 09:20 EMX125 Free practice Group 2, 09:50 WMX Qualifying practice, 10:30 MX2 Time Practice, 11:00 MXGP Free Practice, 12:30 EMX125 Qualifying practice Group 1, 13:05 EMX125 Qualifying practice Group 2, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 WMX Race 1, 15:45 EMX125 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.

SUNDAY: 09:40 EMX125 Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 WMX Race 2, 13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.





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