WSX Abu Dhabi GP // Race Highlights

WSX CHAMPIONSHIP Round 2 – Abu Dhabi – Results

Rapporto sulle penalità del Gran Premio WSX di Abu Dhabi

Dopo il Gran Premio WSX di Abu Dhabi 2023 all’Etihad Arena, Abu Dhabi, Emirati Arabi Uniti, WSX conferma che la direzione di gara ha emesso tre (3) penalità ai piloti al GP WSX di Abu Dhabi 2023 secondo il rapporto sulle penalità post-evento.
Mockup del dispositivo Wsx TV 2
Resoconto della gara del GP WSX di Abu Dhabi
Le seguenti sanzioni sono state emesse dalla Direzione di Gara, composta dal Delegato FIM, dal Direttore di Gara FIM e dal Direttore di Gara:

Penalità 1
Pilota n. 3, Vince Friese: penalità di due (2) posizioni per guida pericolosa nella WSX Gara 1.

Penalità 2
Pilota #49, Mitchell Oldenburg: squalificato dopo essere entrato nell’area dei meccanici all’indietro in WSX Gara 3.

Penalità 3
Pilota n. 3, Vince Friese: penalità di due (2) posizioni per aver lasciato la pista e aver ottenuto un vantaggio in WSX Gara 3.

La direzione di gara della WSX continuerà a mantenere la massima diligenza sulla condotta dei piloti, inclusa la garanzia che tutti i piloti guidino in modo sicuro e responsabile al prossimo Gran Premio d’Australia WSX Boost Mobile del 2023.

“… le corse e l’integrità devono essere fondamentali, così come lo è la sicurezza del pilota.”

Adam Bailey | CEO globale di SX

Citazione del CEO di SX Global/WSX, Adam Bailey: “Mentre facciamo crescere questo nuovo campionato mondiale FIM Supercross, le corse e l’integrità devono essere fondamentali, così come lo è la sicurezza del pilota. Come promotori del campionato, vogliamo vedere gare dure che offrano uno spettacolo incredibile per tifosi e spettatori; tuttavia, contiamo sulla FIM e sui suoi funzionari per implementare e far rispettare le regole per garantire che sia l’integrità che la sicurezza siano sempre mantenute”.





The inaugural FIM World Supercross Championship in Abu Dhabi at Etihad Arena was a thrilling spectacle, leaving fans on the edge of their seats with a night of high-octane action, unexpected twists, and a fair share of controversy.

The WSX main event delivered all the drama and intensity that fans had hoped for. In an incredible display of skill and determination, Joey Savatgy, riding for Rick Ware Racing, emerged as the victor. Savatgy’s performance in the bar-banging main event was nothing short of spectacular, as he battled his way to the top step of the podium. He showcased his resilience by finishing with a remarkable 1-4-2 record throughout the night, demonstrating that consistency and unwavering determination pay off in the world of Supercross.

Following closely behind Savatgy was Dean Wilson of Fire Power Honda, who put on an impressive performance throughout the event. Despite the intense competition and challenging track conditions, Wilson’s skills and commitment secured him a well-deserved second place in the overall standings.

Motoconcept’s Vince Friese also made a significant impact on the event, earning his place on the podium with tenacity and his aggressive riding style. Friese’s presence added an extra layer of excitement to the competition, making it a night to remember for Supercross fans.

Defending WSX Champion Ken Roczen faced a particularly tough battle as he aimed to retain his title. Throughout the night, Roczen had to overcome the significant disadvantage of starting from the back row in each of the three finals. Despite the odds stacked against him, Roczen’s determination and unwavering spirit were evident as he fought his way back through the pack in each race. His resilience made for an inspiring performance, even if he didn’t manage to secure a spot on the podium with 4th overall on the night.

WSX Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Penalty Report

Following the 2023 WSX Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at Etihad Arena, Abu Dhabi, UAE, WSX hereby confirms Race Direction issued three (3) penalties to riders at the 2023 WSX Abu Dhabi GP as per the post-event penalty report.
WSX Abu Dhabi GP Race Report

The below penalties were issued by Race Direction, which is made up of the FIM Delegate, FIM Race Director and Clerk of the Course:

Penalty 1
Rider #3, Vince Friese: Two (2) position penalty for dangerous riding in WSX Race 1.

Penalty 2
Rider #49, Mitchell Oldenburg: Disqualified after entering the mechanics area backwards in WSX Race 3.

Penalty 3
Rider #3, Vince Friese: Two (2) position penalty for leaving the track and gaining an advantage in WSX Race 3.

WSX’s Race Direction will continue to retain full diligence on rider conduct, including ensuring all riders ride in a safe and responsible manner at the upcoming 2023 WSX Boost Mobile Australian Grand Prix.

” … racing and the integrity, must be paramount, as is rider safety.”

Adam Bailey | SX Global CEO

Quote from SX Global/WSX’s CEO, Adam Bailey: “As we grow this new FIM World Supercross Championship, racing and the integrity, must be paramount, as is rider safety. As the promoters of the championship, we want to see hard racing that provides an incredible spectacle for fans and spectators; however, we rely on the FIM and their officials, to implement and enforce the rules to ensure both integrity and safety are always maintained.”





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